Cut the crap already and start creating the life you REALLY want.

Whether you’re a success story looking for your next big thing, a person who is tired of living a mediocre life, or someone who doesn’t even have a dream, here is where your wheels stop spinning. This book will get you unstuck and into action. Now is the time to jump and build your wings on the way down. But who says you’re going to hit the ground? With Step One: Jump!—you’ll soar.

In this book you’ll learn how to:

Exercise your dream muscle
Keep what’s important to you on the front burner of life
Finally find the time for it all
Systematize and keep dreaming
Say, “F you, resistance!” and mean it
Eliminate your negative self-talk
This book is the tried and true blueprint to the life dreams are made of.  Mandy Barton walks her talk, and oh boy, is it some talk!  Writing this book for you is just one of the many dreams that she’s made happen. And here it is. If she can do it, so can you!